Success Stories

How Max Van built an AI trading bot that increases profits by 1.18% every week.

Max Van Trading is a boutique hedge fund with $50M AUM that uses Obviously AI to predict stock prices and automatically short shares for its portfolio. Read more to learn how they do it


Stock price predictions are made at every 6 hours mark.

Time Saved

Reduced stock trade decision time from 24 hours to 24 seconds.

Money Saved

 Increases profit by 1.15% every week.

IT Consulting
Private Company

Max Van Trading is a boutique hedge fund operating out of the Netherlands with $50M AUM, backed by several well-known individual investors and private family offices.

Automated on platform

The Problem

Max Van Trading manually made predictions for each stock price, taking them 24 hours for each trading decision. The stocks were very volatile and taking so long to make a trading decision meant running behind the market. The firm wanted to automate trading decisions but needed a robust and reliable machine learning model that they can trust. After trying several AI modeling tools, all which were time consuming or required a large team of seasoned data scientists, they turned to Obviously AI.

The Solution

With Obviously AI, the team at Max Van Trading was able to built a time series model to predict stock prices in minutes with NO background in data science. The model gave them a starting accuracy of 84% that increased by 2% every month as more trades were made. The team at Max Van Trading also automated these trades so the decisions are made in 24 seconds, not hours.

The Outcome

Max Van Trading was able to make trading decisions AUTOMATICALLY in 24 seconds, not hours. Additionally, each trade yielded a 1.18% increase in profit per week, even in times when the stocks were very volatile. Today their entire AUM of $50M is traded using Obviously AI’s Time Series models, giving them the ROI they need.

max van trading

Obviously Al has made it very easy for us to predict prices in real time, helping us increase profits by 4-5% every week.

Max Van Kekeran
Max Van Trading

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