Because data science shouldn’t feel like rocket science
Our unique combination of software and a human data scientist gets you covered with everything data science from cleaning data to building cutting edge AI models.
Free AI for everyday professionals and non-profits.
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1,200 Predictions
1 User Seat
Unlimited Models
1M Rows of Training Data
CSV Only
Classification Models
Regression Models
Time Series Models
Clustering Models
Custom LLMs (e.g. GPT-4, LLaMA)
Zapier Integrations
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Full Access
Full access software for citizen data analysts.
14 Day Free Trial
120,000 Predictions
5 User Seat
Unlimited Models
Unlimited Rows of Training Data
CSV, Databases & Apps
Classification Models
Regression Models
Time Series Models
Clustering Models
Custom LLMs (e.g. GPT-4, LLaMA)
Zapier Integrations
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14 Day Free Trial
Trusted by Top tier companies across the world

Frequently asked questions

Here are some questions we get all the time, rest assured, you're in good hands!

How does the Software + Data Scientist plan work?

In this plan you get matched with a Ph. D. Data Scientist who is at your disposal for a variety of tasks such as: creating an AI model, cleaning data, merging multiple data sources, conducting a data science audit or even just there to provide sound advice around AI and industry best practices. Think of them as an extension of your team, you can add them to your Slack, Microsoft Teams, instant messaging, etc. and book a call with them anytime. It's pretty much like adding a data scientist to your team, without additional cost or overhead!

What is API access and how to use it?

APIs enable you to export your predictions to your own app, internal tool, website, and much more. It is a way to get the predictions to display outside your account.

What're the qualifications of a Dedicated Data Scientist?

All of our Dedicated Data Scientists have a masters / Ph.D. degree and come with extensive experience working at companies like Google, Facebook, etc.

What counts for a prediction?

Every time you send a row or record to your ML model and it returns a result it counts as a single prediction. For example - Sending a single record via API and returning a result counts as a single prediction. Uploading a CSV with 100 rows of data and producing prediction results for each row counts at 100 predictions.